FFAG8 Registration
Apr 01(Mon), 2024 00:00
Oct 04(Fri), 2024 17:00
Registration fees include all conference sessions plus lunches, a welcome reception, excursion, and banquet.
You can choose the credit card payment. if you prefer the bank transfer, please contact the FFAG8 secretariat.
Until the end of September 2024,
Regular: 60,000 Yen
Student or PhD scholar or Accompanying person: 30,000 Yen
(The fees for invited speakers are waived.)
Regular: 70,000 Yen
Student or PhD scholar or Accompanying person: 30,000 Yen
Cancellation policy
Participants may receive a refund less a processing fee (about 5,000 Yen) for cancellation requests made by July 31, 2024. Cancellations from Aug. 1st to Sep. 30, 2024 will be subject to a 50% processing fee. No refunds will be granted for cancellation after Oct. 1st, 2024.
You can register your participation of FFAG8 at this page.
Please follow the instruction below.
It is necessary to register your profile on this system first.
Please enter your profile (your name, affiliation, e-mail address, password, etc.) from the top-right button "Login". It is free of charge.
The Log-in window appears, and you can click the red “New Registration” button to register your infos.
You will recieve e-mails from "noreply@gakujutsushukai.jp". Please check your mail box.
*If you already complete a registration at "New registration", move to step [4].
After entering required information, click the blue "New Registration" button to finish.
You will receive a confirmation mail at your registered-mail account. To complete it, please access to notified URL.
Now you can start FFAG8-registration. After careful reading the procedure below,
click "Pre-registration" button which you can find at the bottom of this page.
("Pre-" means that this registration is on-line registration, not on-site.)
Your entered profile is automatically coming up, and you will be requested to choose the rest of items.
Finaly, click "Confirm", then your registration will be completed.
After clicking "Confirm", you can see the confirmation window (Not shown here).
In the top and the bottom of the window, you can find the "Register" buttons.
Click "Register", then you will find the window below.

If you pay by a credit card, click "Continue to an internet payment".
If you prefer the bank transfer, please click "Close" to finish your registration. Please contact the FFAG8 secretariat to do the bank transfer.
You can modify registered contents any time during period.
After clicking "Continue ...", (and after closing the window saying "Add is done",) you can find the window below.
This is a confirmation page for your internet payment.

Click "Internet payment", then you will be redirected to the website of our payment agency (PAY.JP).
You can make a secure payment through the website.
Please input the information of your credit card.

Click the blue button "Pay", then the payment is complete.
Please ask the FFAG8 secretariat if you have any questions on this payment procedure.
Thank you.
Registration is closed
Inquiry for Registration
- Satoshi YOSHIDA, Dr.
- Postal Cord230-0045
- 1-1, Suehiro, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Japan
- E-mail Address satoshi.s.yoshida@agc.com