8th International Workshop on Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses

Presentation guide

FFAG8 Presentation Guide

Oral presentation
Invited Presentation 25 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Q&A
Oral Presentation 15 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Q&A
Please prepare your presentation accordingly to meet these time limits.

Local organizers will prepare a Windows PC for your presentation.
Please bring a USB memory containing your presentation file (MS PowerPoint or PDF) and copy the file to our PC prior to your session (morning, coffee break or lunch time etc.). It is recommended that the speakers for the morning session on the 28th do this at the time of registration.
It is recommended to use a 16:9 aspect ratio for slides in presentations.
The file name should be typed as 'Presentation Date-Your Family Name'.
(e.g. 28-Yoshida.pptx)

Poster presentation
The maximum poster size is 850 mm (width) x 1600 mm (height). It is suitable for A0 size (vertical orientation, 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height).
Adhesive pins (or tapes) to attach your poster will be available in the poster room (2nd floor).
The poster number will be marked on your poster panel.
Please display your poster before the poster session on the 28th (17:20 -18:30).

The poster presentation room will provide coffee and lunch boxes.
Therefore, it is recommended that your poster be displayed throughout the entire workshop to facilitate discussion during coffee breaks and lunch.

Thank you for bringing your poster back home.